Julia Fichera '26

How do you choose a major at UNH? Our How I Chose My Major blog series highlights students from different colleges across UNH and explores how they chose their majors and minors, what they've learned through their programs, the coolest places they get to study and so much more!

Today, Julia '26 talks about enjoying a strong educational foundation and having the flexibility to explore many paths as a business administration major at UNH. Read on for advice on how to stay true to yourself when choosing a major.

Julia fichera '26, business administration
Julia Fichera
Julia Fichera

What is your major?

I am majoring in business administration and I plan to declare my options in marketing and information systems and business analytics (ISBA). 

What did you think you wanted to major in before you came to UNH?

Before coming to UNH, I really wasn’t sold on any major. I began to panic in my senior year of high school, thinking that I was going to make the wrong decision and mess up my entire life. I was extremely indecisive and went through many options, from wanting to become an optometrist to becoming a real estate agent. Eventually, I decided that business was the right way to go since there are so many options within the field that I would never be stuck in one position or get too bored. So far, I think I made the right decision! 

Why did you choose your major? 

I think what especially drew me to business is that I love to communicate with people. I knew that long-term, I wanted a career where I could be a team player and interact with as many people as possible. Immediately coming in, I knew the marketing concentration was right for me. The idea of marketing tickles my brain because it’s creative, but you also get to look strategically at trends and how people think.

Branching off that, I wanted to pick up some hard skills to aid me in those efforts and information systems and business analytics (ISBA) seemed like a great fit. I very much enjoyed management information systems (MIS) my freshman year, and that pointed me towards  ISBA.

What are some of the top places on campus you frequent for your major?

As a business major, I can be found in Paul College most of the time. I love to find one of the random seating areas scattered throughout the building and just sit and be productive. If it’s a nice day out, I am probably being productive somewhere outside, usually at the Fishbowl. I also have begun to venture into the depths of the library, and there are some nice spots there, as well. 

What’s the coolest part about your major?

I think the coolest part about being a business administration major is the flexibility and foundation that it provides. We all take the same core classes, like microeconomics and financial accounting, and those classes are what help us decide our concentrations. For example, those classes helped me confirm that I would not be an economics or accounting major! What’s cool, though, is that if I did decide to go into one of those fields, I could, since I now have the foundational knowledge for it. Paul offers a lot of great opportunities and our advisors are wonderful at helping us map out what we want to do and switch it up if we decide one day to go down a different path. It’s great! 

What advice do you have for prospective students about choosing a major?

I think the most important part about choosing a major is to be true to yourself. It’s important to choose something that you not only find interesting and want to do now, but that you see yourself doing something related to in the future, as well. I think that a little research in career opportunities after graduation with the degree you are planning on pursuing couldn’t hurt.

There are many opportunities out there and it’s wonderful and exciting to see them all! I also have found from personal experience that stressing out about it will not do you any good. College is fun and it’s not the end of the world if you need to switch majors; there are people here to support you in that decision. It’s hard to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life at the age that is expected of us to do so, but knowing yourself and that there are people here for you makes the ask a little more doable.  


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Choosing a Major at UNH: Business Administration (Minor in English Writing)

Maggie '24 talks about finding the perfect hangout spot in Paul College and explains how joining different student organizations at UNH helped her decide on a major.  read more about maggie
