How to Choose a Major at UNH
Whether you know what you want to major in or are undecided, UNH is a great place for you to be! We have 100+ majors, with excellence across the board, leaving room to continue to explore if you know what you're interested in and plenty of individualized advising and career resources if you’re still undecided.
Read on to learn what to do if you know exactly what you want to major in, know what subject areas you're interested in but not the exact major, or need help choosing a major.

If you know exactly what you want to major in…
- Learn more Explore the web pages for your academic major to learn more about the major and consider a program-specific tour of campus to see facilities and meet with faculty and students. Attend Fall Open House to meet with representatives from your major and dive deeper into campus life.
- Start preparing Some majors have additional application requirements like a portfolio or audition. Make sure to check the specific requirements for your major to make sure you're prepared to apply.
- Keep exploring Keep your options open to discover UNH’s many majors and areas of academic interest. For example, if you love the ocean, consider not only ocean engineering, but also marine, estuarine and freshwater biology.

If you know what subject area you want to major in but aren’t sure of your major…
- Be undeclared in a college Did you know that you can begin your UNH journey undeclared within a specific college? This way, you can learn about all of the majors and career pathways available to you within your area of interest. The College of Heath and Human Services' ACE Program and Paul College's first-year FIRE Program offer advising and direction.
- Keep exploring With five colleges and 100+ majors, UNH is the perfect place to explore a wider area of interest and begin to narrow down your college major!
- Take your time Every UNH student has until the second semester of their sophomore year to declare a major. This ensures you have the time to take a wide variety of courses and pursue internships or research placements in fields that interest you, all before officially declaring your major.

If you’re still deciding what to major in…
- No worries! Did you know that 28% of incoming first-year students are considered undeclared? You definitely don’t need to know exactly what you want to major in by the time you arrive at UNH.
- There’s a class for that UNH has a course for students who need more time to decide what they want to study. In COLA 401, first-year undeclared liberal arts students can explore majors and careers and build an academic plan with an advisor.
- We'll advise you The University Advising Center has professionals who are here to help undeclared students like you navigate their college journeys.
- Explore career areas The UNH Career and Professional Success center has tons of career resources and holds a large career and internship fair each semester so you can begin to explore career options as an undeclared student.
- Discover More UNH's Discovery Program means that students take courses in many different areas, from arts to biology. You'll naturally become a well-rounded student and experience firsthand many potential major options.
- Can't find exactly what you're looking for? You can propose to design your own major!

If you change your major…
- You’re in good company Did you know that 30% of UNH students change their major at least once prior to graduation?
- There are resources for that Learn more about changing your major.
- You'll find something great Our range of excellent programs means that you can change your direction and still be in a great program.

If you want to double/ dual major…
- Combine your passions So many UNH students find that a double major or adding a minor or dual major allows them to explore multiple of their interests. They don’t have to leave behind any of their various interests when they arrive at UNH!
- Learn more Read a day in the life blog of a double major

If you already know you want to get a master's degree...
- You're in the right place In partnership with UNH Graduate School, academically-eligible undergrads can apply during their junior year to an accelerated master’s program. This means you could earn your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in as few as five years – adding value, an advanced credential and next-level expertise to your education!
- Join this community of inspiring academic thinkers: apply today!
- Explore the academic stops on our virtual tour to learn more about:
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