Why Study Business and Economics at UNH?

Why Study Business and Economics at UNH?
paul students
Take a Closer Look

A small college experience where your professors know your name. The vast and rich resources of a world-class research university. A focus on experiential learning where you drive the outcomes. Career and advising supports that are second to none. These are just a few of the ways UNH’s Paul College of Business and Economics stands out.


Business school in the U.S.


What sets us apart:

Paul College stands out among business schools for its experiential opportunities that allow you to grow and learn in ways you never thought possible. Run an investment fund with thousands of real dollars on the line. Stretch your entrepreneurial muscles by entering the Holloway Prize Competition or Social Venture Innovation Challenge. Study abroad. Compete in a national sales competition.

unh paul college students
Fire Year Innovation and Research Experience (FIRE)

FIRE is a team-based, game-like experience where alumni and peer mentors help you actively engage in college life and develop strategies for success.

more About FIRe

unh paul college students
Signature Scholarship Programs

The Paul Scholars, Rutman/Och Advancing Women’s Leadership Fellows, and Inclusive Leadership Fellows programs support motivated, high-performing students.

more About Signature Scholarships

unh paul college students

Business in Practice

This pioneering program features courses and guided experiences taught by industry partners where you’ll practice the skills and gain the tools in high demand from employers.

About Business in Practice

What will you study?

We offer more than a dozen distinct undergraduate degree programs within three general areas of study: business administration, economics, and hotel and hospitality management. Many of our students complement their Paul College degrees with a minor or major offered outside the business school.

Explore Degree Programs

  • Background color

    There are a million reasons why you should choose UNH’s
    Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics

    Here are our top 10...

  • aerial of Paul College

    We're the best public business school in New England

    (Poets&Quants 2024)

  • UNH student in the city




    96% placement rate

    (2023 graduate survey)


  • Two women working on a computer

    Tons of opportunities to advance women’s leadership in business and economics


  • UNH students in classroom presenting

    The chance to make investments with real money—in both stocks and startups


  • teacher helping student on laptop


    $2,500 stipends for internships


  • Peter Paul with students

    A scholars program that offers $5K/year to our highest achieving students


  • Business in Practice Program students

    Learn the latest innovations in industry through professionals in our Business in Practice Program


  • UNH students on laptops

    Find your fit within 17+ resume-building, pre-professional student clubs and organizations


  • Holloway competition

    Showcase your ideas through big money competitions


  • Paul College Lobby

    A state-of-the-art building with high-tech classrooms, a café, and private student study spaces


  • UNH student
    Meet a Wildcat.

    Alisha Wannaphong says picking UNH Paul was one of the best choices she ever made. Find out why.

    Learn more about alisha 

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