Grace's UNH Day in the Life

Grace Higgins ‘24

What is a day in the life of a UNH student like? Today, we're continuing our Day in the Life of a UNH Wildcat series, where we hear how students from different majors, backgrounds and class years spend the day on campus.

Meet Grace Higgins ‘24, a double major in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology and music, liberal studies. From piano lessons, to research on electrochemical sensors, to late-night pickleball, follow along to hear how Grace takes advantage of all the valuable opportunities UNH has to offer.


Meet Grace Higgins '24

Hometown: Windham, NH

Double Major:

Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology


 Music, Liberal Studies

Grace Higgins



7 a.m. 

Despite the temptation to sleep in, I find my days are much more productive when I get up early. I usually head to the Hamel Rec Center first thing in the morning, which wakes me up and gets me ready for the day. Being at the gym always motivates me to make it a great day!

8:30 a.m.

After the gym, I’ll head back to my apartment where I get ready for the day and make some breakfast. I’ll then catch a UNH bus to get to my 9 a.m. class!

9 a.m.

I head over to Parsons, where I have my first class, Chemical Biology. This class is one of my major electives and we are learning about how we can use chemistry in biological applications, such as drug synthesis and delivery.

10 a.m.

Next up is another class, Biochemistry II. Not to be confused with my last class (which sounds very similar), biochemistry involves learning about different biochemical pathways and processes in the body. It is not an easy subject, but definitely a very interesting one!

11 a.m.

Part of being a double major is taking an odd mix of classes. At 11, I head to my piano lesson, which is my concentration within my music major and a required part of my degree.

UNH Paul Creative Arts Center



12 p.m.

At this point, coffee is a necessity. If I need to grab something quick, I stop by Dunks in the Memorial Union Building (MUB). If I have a bit more time, I love to walk downtown and grab a latte from my favorite coffee shop, The Freedom Café.

12:30 p.m.

I’ll head back to Parsons, where I spend my afternoon in the lab. I do research on campus on electrochemical sensors with Dr. Jeffrey Halpern’s lab group.

4:30 p.m.

At this point, I’m running across the street to the Paul Creative Arts Center. One opportunity within the music program is that I get to teach piano lessons on campus. Today, I have two students!

5:30 p.m.

I’ll catch the bus back to my apartment and make a well-deserved dinner after a busy day!

UNH Intervarsity Club


7 p.m.

I’ll head over to one of my club meetings, Intervarsity. I have made some of my closest friends through this club and we have amazing discussions about faith and God, while encouraging each other in our different walks of life!

9 p.m.

My friends and I will head back over to Hamel Rec for some late-night pickleball (one of the only sports I am somewhat decent at).

10 p.m.

I head back home, do any homework I need to catch up on and get ready for bed.

11 p.m.

I like to finish my nights reading, journaling or both! I find it really helps me relax and settle in for the night before I go to sleep.

pickleball UNH

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