Maggie Keenan '24

How do you choose a major at UNH? Our new How I Chose My Major blog series highlights students from different colleges across UNH and explores how they chose their majors and minors, what they've learned through their programs, the coolest places they get to study and so much more!

Today, Maggie '24 talks about finding the perfect hangout spot in Paul College and explains how joining different student organizations at UNH helped her decide on a major. Read on to learn about majoring in business administration and minoring in English writing at UNH.

maggie keenan '24
business administration, dual option in finance and management (english writing minor)


What is your major?

I am a senior majoring in business administration with a dual option in finance and management. I also have a minor in English writing.

What did you think you wanted to major in before you came to UNH?

When I was little, my career ambitions ranged from being a physicist to being a farmer! Yet, by high school I knew I wanted to go to law school and do something in that field. I remember going through all the majors UNH offered, including the 3+3 partnership UNH has with the law school. This allows students majoring in English or history to do three years of undergrad at UNH, followed by three years of law school at UNH Law. Ultimately, I always loved working with numbers and economics, which is why I ended up applying to Paul College.

UNH Student Senate

UNH Student Senate 

Why did you choose your major? 

There are so many opportunities on campus that can help you figure out what you want to major in or pursue. While I knew I wanted to go into business law and do something under business administration, I was originally in the finance and accounting option. Student organizations like the Student Activity Fee Committee, where you help manage over a million dollars in student fees, helped concrete my love for finance. Yet the business administration set-up helped me figure out I connected better with management than accounting.

In student organizations like Student Senate and Pre-Law Society, I figured out I love to help lead organizations and teams, which made me look more into merger and acquisition law. After doing working with legal counsel for my internship with Newburyport Bank and Pentucket Bank, I knew I wanted to pursue merger & acquisition law and was sure that finance and management were the right options for me.

What are some of the top places on campus you frequent for your major?

My favorite part of Paul College is 100% the Great Hall. It’s always just loud enough that you can comfortably talk to your friends, but not too loud that you can’t get work done. There’s also always somebody you know in the Great Hall. It makes Paul really nice because while UNH is a large school, Paul College feels like a small school because you end up knowing most people in your option.

Maggie and Rutman Fellows Cohort

Me with my Rutman Fellows Cohort

What’s the coolest part about your major?

The coolest part about my major is all the opportunities you have within it! There is so much to do, from learning to use the Bloomberg Terminals, to getting Bloomberg Market Concepts Certified, to engaging in the stock pitch competition here at UNH. There are infinite ways you can grow professionally within finance and get your name out there. If you have an idea about something new to add, too, professors and faculty are always willing to help you out!

What advice do you have for prospective students about choosing a major?

My biggest piece of advice for students when choosing a major is to get involved! The more you try out different organizations and have new experiences, the more you figure out what you do or don’t value in life. Even if it’s an organization based around a hobby, you might find out there’s a way to include it in your career, or even minor in something related. I think finding something you're passionate about is important in a career, and student organizations are the best way to explore that.

explore student organizations at UNH

learn more about majoring in business administration

explore Paul College
