Parents Guide

Emily Kulp

What are the next steps my student should take as a UNH admitted student? Welcome back to our Parents Guide blog series, which is here to help you guide your student to make the right decisions throughout the college application and enrollment processes.

Your student has applied Early Action or Regular Decision to UNH and now they're in — congrats! Today, we’re talking about all the important milestones on your admitted student’s journey toward that first day of college. So, if you need help planning next steps with your student after getting that acceptance letter, read on!

UNH student-led campus tour

UNH student-led campus tour

Attend Admitted Student Visit Day

You may be wondering, what is Admitted Student Visit Day (ASVD) at UNH? Admitted Student Visit Day is an extremely valuable experience, as your student will be able to attend academic information sessions, tour residence halls, facilities and campus and get all their questions answered.

ASVD is the time for you to let your student truly take the lead in exploring campus and envisioning themselves here. Our students often say that attending ASVD is the reason they chose to attend UNH! Each college hosts its own ASVD, along with other admitted student events. If you can't make it to ASVD, check out these alternate admitted student events or sign up for a campus tour.

Learn more about each college’s ASVD 

Submit your enrollment deposit

Once your student has made the decision to attend UNH, it’s time to submit the enrollment deposit. Be sure to submit the deposit by 5/1 to secure their spot!

submit your enrollment deposit

UNH parents talking to Dean of College of Liberal Arts, Michele Dillon

UNH parents talking to Dean of College of Liberal Arts, Michele Dillon

Start on the new student checklist

Your deposit is submitted and now it’s time to start checking off some items on the list before your student arrives at UNH! Sit down with your student and start our new student checklist, which breaks down all the necessary steps to becoming a student. The list includes tasks like applying for financial aid, signing up for housing and dining and submitting health forms.

view the new student checklist here

Playing games at summer orientation by the outdoor pool

Playing games at summer orientation by the outdoor pool

Look forward to summer orientation

Summer orientation happens in June and is a chance for admitted students to learn more about campus life and spend a night on campus. Our goal is for your student to leave their June orientation excited to be a UNH Wildcat! Your student can look forward to exploring the campus, attending programs and connecting with other incoming students. You will also be able to attend the concurrent parent & family orientation, where you'll learn more about the student experience and how to support your student during the transition to starting college. 

learn more about orientation

Get all your questions answered

If you have any questions as you and your student begin the admitted student journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to our admissions office or contact your UNH admissions counselor. We’re here to help you as you guide your student through preparing for college and planning out their admitted student journey.

find your admissions counselor 


enroll at UNH today

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UNH Parents Guide to the Value of Undergraduate Research

How does a student get involved in research projects while they’re an undergraduate? And what’s the value of that experience for them? Four UNH faculty members share their perspectives. read the guide
