Take the Quiz

Emily Kulp

Now that college is becoming real to you, you might be wondering if you’ll miss home while you’re in college and how it will feel to join a campus community. But don't worry; before you know it, you'll be calling a new place home. On our University of New Hampshire Durham campus, Wildcats create a sense of home in many different places and spaces. That's because everyone finds friends, support and community in different ways in college. 

Welcome back to our quiz series. Get ready to take the quiz* below to see where you might find your home on our UNH campus!

*Count how many of each letter you choose and add them up at the end for your results. There are no wrong answers. Take the quiz as many times as you want to help you decide where to join your most authentic community as a college student.

UNH students hanging out in residence hall room

UNH students hanging out in residence hall room

Question #1:

When I have time away from classes and homework, I see myself relaxing in:

A) My residence hall room

B) The lounge in my major’s academic building

C) The meeting room for my favorite club

D) The sun on the campus lawn

UDay, a celebration of student organizations at UNH

UDay, a celebration of student organizations at UNH

Question #2:

I made most of my friends in high school through:

A) Remaining friends with neighbors and childhood friends

B) My classes

C) Sports and clubs

D) I met my friends in many different ways

UNH students in woodworking class

UNH students in woodworking class

Question #3:

When I think about starting college, I am most excited for:

A) Finally living on my own

B) Taking classes in areas I’m passionate about

C) Joining student clubs to continue my hobbies

D) Soaking in the feeling of being part of a larger campus community

UNH students walking on campus

UNH students walking on campus

Question #4:

My friends and family would describe me as:

A) Independent 

B) Studious

C) Passionate 

D) Adventurous

UNH students walking on campus

UNH students walking on campus

Question #5:

I would describe my friendships as:

A) A few really close friends

B) A group of very different people who get along well together

C) A group of people with a lot of common interests

D) A larger group of friends 

Your Results (Where you'll find your college home):


Mostly As

Your residence hall

Your residence hall will truly be your home away from home during your time on campus. You value close friendships and making connections with people who grow beside you.

Our tips: Leave your door open, and don’t be afraid to say hi in the hallways—you never know when you might meet your new best friend! Be sure to lean into the resources and support provided to you by your Resident Assistant and Hall Director and attend fun social get-togethers in your hall to feel a strong sense of community right where you live!

Mostly Bs

Your major 

Your academic major (or majors!) will be where you’ll find your support and your people. You love learning alongside your community.

Our tips: Say hi to the students who sit next to on your first day of class or start a conversation in the hallway. Consider joining a research lab or academic organization within your major to find an even stronger community. Attend your professors’ office hours to get the academic support you need.

Mostly Cs

Student clubs and organizations

You’ll find your home by engaging with your hobbies at UNH. With 200+ student clubs and organizations, there’s something for everyone here!

Our tips: Be sure to attend University Day (UDay) at the start of the semester, a celebration of student clubs and organizations at UNH. Find the groups where you’ll be most yourself—consider trying something new or continuing an old hobby.

Mostly Ds

Our campus community 

You’ll feel right at home during a White out the Whitt hockey game, or by grabbing a blanket to enjoy the lawn in front of T-Hall on a warm spring day. You thrive best when being part of a larger community and you’ll be able to do exactly that at UNH.

Our tips: Seek out opportunities to engage with the larger campus community, from campus-wide events like UDay to sports games. Don’t hesitate to attend events for different majors across the university to immerse yourself in connection and community beyond your major!


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UNH College Housing Quiz

How do I decide where to live in college? What residence hall should I choose? Deciding on student housing can be complicated, but it’s also one of the most exciting choices you’ll make as an incoming student.  take the quiz
