What is a day in the life of a UNH student like? Follow along for our top social media takeovers from students from the past school year! Watch as UNH students take you through a day in the life, from a Women in Business meeting, to room tours, to eating with friends at HoCo.

Looking for more days in the life? Check out our other takeover compilation blogs here and the full playlist of takeovers here.


Melissa Duggan ‘23, Business Administration Major

Watch if you want to learn about:

"I'm going to take you guys to the first Women in Business meeting of the semester and we're going to make vision boards."


Hailey Keel ‘25, Italian Major

Watch if you want to learn about:

  • First-year housing
  • Room tour
  • Day trips to Boston, Portland, Portsmouth and NH/Maine beaches
  • Downtown Durham

“My favorite class I'm...taking right now is 632 Advanced Composition for Italian for my Italian major. We just speak Italian and do Italian-related things and learn about the history and have loads of fun.”


Alexa Bobinski ‘23, Communication & Psychology Major

Watch if you want to learn about:

“One of my favorite parts about UNH is that there's always some kind of event going on. There's always something to do. One of my favorite things to do is go to the MUB for CAB events. I love their bingo nights and trivia.”


Emily Alberigo ‘24, Marketing Major

Watch if you want to learn about:

“One of my favorite classes at UNH was actually Intro to Theatre...it's a really good time and you can act out plays with your friends.”


Kristen Kelly '23, Environmental Conservation & Sustainability Major

Watch if you want to learn about:

  • Working as an RA 
  • Advising undeclared COLSA students as a peer advisor
  • Sustainability on campus

“I've had a lot of outdoor experiences as an environmental major and I've also been educated a lot on sustainability.”


read our day in the life blog series 

watch our entire playlist of takeovers


A Look Back on Some of our Student Takeovers

Want to learn more about the daily routine of a college student? Our UNH Takeover series features students from across campus sharing a day in their life. As we wrap up 2022, we're looking back at some of our favorite student social media takeovers. watch our student takeovers
