Are you wondering what a day in the life of a UNH student looks like? Welcome back to our Day in the Life of a UNH Wildcat series, where we put the spotlight on students from different academic majors and class years to see what their day in the life looks like. 

Today we travel to Minneapolis, Minnesota with Nate Maybach ’25, a dual major in sustainability and women's and gender studies. From training with a collegiate cross-country ski training program, to working a Sustainability Fellowship, follow along on this day in Minnesota!


Meet Nate Maybach ’25

Working and Training in Minneapolis, MN

Hometown: Boise, Idaho 

Majors: Women's and Gender Studies, Dual Major in Sustainability

Nate Maybach

Nate Maybach



6 a.m. 

I wake up in my apartment in the university district of Minneapolis and get breakfast with fellow UNH students and ski team teammates Alice House, Eli Gore and Georgianna Fischer! We prepare our running shoes for practice and fill up our water bottles before heading out.

7 a.m.

We all carpool to practice, which today is at Wirth Beach House in Golden Valley, MN. It’s typically a 10-minute drive. Today’s practice, organized by our summer program, Team Birdie, is a two-hour easy run plus some stretching and core work. Training is usually in the mornings with occasional afternoon sessions with the team as well.

UNH ski team

Nate training with the UNH Ski Team

9:15 a.m.

After practice, we all carpool back to our apartment in Minneapolis, eat, shower and get ready for work. This summer, I am working remotely through the UNH Sustainability Fellowship for Hypertherm Associates, a large cutting materials manufacturing company based in Lebanon, NH. My goal is to evaluate the company’s sustainability efforts by applying to awards and assessments, eventually resulting in a benchmark for environmental impact and a list of improvements for the company. Corporate sustainability is something I’m passionate about!



12 p.m.

It’s now time for an Advisory Group Zoom call! My advisory group is a group of other Sustainability Fellows working on similar projects, all with the goal of supporting each other throughout our summer internships and providing the best guidance we can. Advisory group sessions often focus on work-life balance and self-care. My wonderful advisory group is pictured below!

Sustainability Fellowship UNH

Nate's Sustainability Fellowship Advisory Group

3 p.m.

I wrap up my work for the day by finishing some Zoom calls and completing my deliverables for the day! Now, it’s time to prepare for an afternoon workout, which I usually complete on my own or with a few other teammates. Today’s afternoon workout is an easy bike ride. Fun fact: Minneapolis has one of the most developed systems of bike lanes and greenways in the country! If visiting, I recommend biking past Mill Ruins Park downtown or Saint Anthony Falls.

5 p.m.

I wrap up with my second training session of the day and grab dinner. Today, I decided to get Goman (spiced collard greens and potatoes) from a local Ethiopian restaurant. It was delicious!


7 p.m.

This time is when I begin to plan for the next day, hang out with my roommates and complete any unfinished internship work that I wasn’t able to do during the day. Today, I’m adding a few new classes in WebCat, as registration just re-opened! After that, I FaceTime my parents, go for a little walk to the river, do laundry and get ready for bed.


An evening walk along the river 

9:30 p.m.

An early bedtime today preceded by a little bit of the Great British Baking Show! We are all in bed early as we have a 7 a.m. training session the next day. I hope you enjoyed my day in the life!



Brett Maurice Prize UNH

Brett's UNH Day in the Life

Meet Brett Schultz ‘26, a Business Administration Major and Sustainability Dual Major. From training for his next ultimate frisbee game, to participating in his summer internship program, to working on his tech startup, follow along on Brett's day. read more about brett's day


