5 Things I Learned

Anya Carver ‘24

Welcome to our 5 Things I Learned blog series, where UNH students from all colleges and majors share the UNH experience that changed everything for them and what they learned from it. From studying abroad and summer internships to research and leadership in student organizations, follow along to see what you can learn by stepping out of your comfort zone and saying "yes" to that new opportunity on our campus.

Today, Anya talks about how interning as the lead writer on the Paul College Influencer Team taught her how to use feedback on writing in a positive way and how to work independently. Here are five things Anya learned from the internship.

anya carver '24, sociology & communication
paul college influencer
Anya Carver


1. Trying something new could help you find something you enjoy.

Up until my senior year at UNH, I was unsure of what I wanted to do for a career. All I knew was that I enjoyed writing. Although I am a student in Liberal Arts, I saw a job opening for a lead writer on the Paul College Influencer Team which serves the marketing and communications team. I put in an application with some doubt that they were looking for someone without business knowledge and because I followed up and showed that I was invested, I got the job! Through this job, I have sharpened my writing skills by writing more formal pieces and have been able to connect with many students and even alumni. I have discovered a job I enjoy, so I am so glad I took a chance!

Studying in the Sociology Lounge

Studying in the Sociology Lounge

2. Time management is important.

When it comes to balancing school and work, the more I add to my plate, the busier I am. My job as lead writer consists of setting up interviews with students and writing about the interviews afterward on my own. As a sociology and communication student, my courses tend to be writing intensive, so managing my time to do that writing along with my work was a skill that took practice at first since I have been a procrastinator all my life. With all my assignments for both school and my job having deadlines, I learned just to get things done and not wait. I think it has helped my habit of procrastinating tremendously and relieves some stress!

3. Feedback can help you improve.

Since I am constantly writing, whether it be for class or my internship, there is a lot of room for me to improve on the next piece of writing I produce. Before the articles I write get published, my boss goes through them and points out any errors or things that need further explanation. Over time, I have used previous feedback to make the next article I write have fewer errors. I have also learned how to use more formal language for my professional pieces, which was a new style of writing to me. I learned to use feedback as a way for me to learn and not treat it as criticism.

Getting work done in the Sociology Lounge

Getting work done in the Sociology Lounge

4. Good study spots are important.

Since most of my work for my internship is done outside of the office and on my own time, I needed to find somewhere I knew I could focus. I had a habit of doing a lot of my work in my bedroom, which made me get distracted very easily and I found it hard to unwind at the end of the day because I had spent a lot of time working there. However, I found that utilizing quaint, quiet areas on campus, such as the Sociology Lounge, allowed me to focus and feel motivated to get things done. Sometimes, it is all about the space you’re in!

5. Networking is essential.

Before my internship, I was unsure of what I wanted to do as a career. I also didn’t have any connections to lead me in any direction. Working in Paul College as a Liberal Arts student, I have learned the importance of networking. Through talking with my bosses, others in the internship and the students I interview, I have opened up a whole new world of connections. I have also learned how to utilize these connections, whether it be for advice or help with finding a job.


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learn more about internships at UNH


The Benefits of a Paid Summer Internship

I really enjoyed doing all of the marketing work I was doing, even though it wasn’t in an industry that I thought I would be working in.  read more about laura
