7 Questions with a Women's & Gender Studies and Justice Studies Dual Major

Student Spotlight

How do you know what major to choose? What does it feel like to be in college? Welcome back to our Student Spotlight series, where you can meet real UNH students and learn more about how they chose their majors and why they love UNH. Meet Bella Foltz-Smith '25, a women's & gender studies and justice studies dual major with a minor in philosophy.

Bella Foltz-Smith '25

Bella Foltz-Smith '25

1. What made you choose UNH? 

I found that UNH really was the best fit because of how connected I felt to the campus. Besides just adoring the campus, I fell in love with the women's and gender studies department and was excited to join. The application and decision process felt really personal in that I was able to ask questions along the way, and I always felt that I had people on my team supporting me.

2. How did you decide on your major(s)?

I was very set on women's and gender studies throughout my application process because I’ve always been very passionate about my feminism and activism.  I took Intro to Justice Studies with Dr. Abbott my junior year, and it truly changed the course of my studies and my life and made me want to work specifically with women in the justice system.  As a part of my justice studies dual major, I took Philosophy of Law and Justice with Professor Nick Smith, also in my junior year, which, again, greatly changed the course of my studies.  I am now at a place where I am very interested in the philosophy of justice, with a focus on minorities in the system.

Bella and the other UNH College of Liberal Arts (COLA) Fellows. 

Bella and the other UNH College of Liberal Arts (COLA) Fellows

3. Why do you love your majors?

I love the women's & gender studies major because it’s a very inclusive environment that promotes both personal and group learning while giving us real-world experiences and the opportunity to learn who we are ourselves. I love the justice studies department because it is such a tight-knit community where I can learn about every aspect of the justice system in a general way, along with my very specific interests, while building long-lasting relationships. I love the philosophy department because I feel that I get new, mind-blowing information on a daily basis, and the department and professors inspire me to challenge myself in my knowledge and beliefs.

4. Who has been your most impactful professor and why?

One of the most impactful professors I’ve gotten the chance to work with is Dr. Katherine Abbott.  I have now taken three courses with her (two regular semester courses and one summer session course), and she has inspired me so much.  She encourages me to do my best every single day.  She is extremely passionate and knowledgeable in what she does, and she is someone that I look up to very much.  It was her Intro to Justice Studies course I took in the fall of my junior year that made me want to move towards justice studies.  I admire all her hard work, along with the relationships she is able to build with her students.  She has genuinely perfected teaching in her large, populated courses and I have always felt challenged but also able to go to her for help if I need it. I hope that I continue to have the opportunity to work with her in the future. 

Another professor that I feel has changed my life is Professor Nick Smith.  I took Philosophy of Law and Justice with him in the spring of my junior year, and I immediately went to Kelly Millar about declaring philosophy. Professor Smith inspires me to challenge my own thoughts and beliefs every single day, and I learn so much from him.  When I feared that my education was becoming a bit routine and mundane, he got me inspired and excited again.  After class each day, I would call home to my parents and tell them all the interesting things that Professor Smith taught me.  His courses helped me fall back in love with learning after fears of burnout.

UNH students at University Day (UDay), a celebration of student organizations

UNH students at University Day (UDay), a celebration of student organizations

5. What has been your favorite experience at UNH so far?

My favorite experience at UNH so far has been University Day (UDay).  I am so sad that I have just had my very last UDay because I truly love it!  I love the UNH and Durham community so deeply, and every UDay is always one of my favorite days.  I love to see everyone happy and excited about the different departments and organizations, and I love getting to meet so many new people.  My first UDay as a freshman helped me find so many of the amazing people in my life and connected me to organizations that I adore!

6. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned at UNH so far? 

The most important lesson I’ve learned at UNH is to always advocate for myself.  I have always been outspoken and have no problems asking for help when I need it, but moving across the country to a state that I had never been to before and to a school in which I knew no one, I learned how to advocate for myself and my needs even more.  Whether that was through Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS), office hours with professors or even always emailing my advisors to make sure I am on track, I am now quite proficient in effectively communicating my needs! 

Hamilton Smith Hall at UNH

Hamilton Smith Hall at UNH 

7. What do you love about being in the College of Liberal Arts?

The best part about being in the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) is how diverse it is!  I love how many different majors and minors there are and that there are so many people in the community.  I make friends in every new course I take, and I love that everyone always has a different background.  I also love how interesting the discussions in class are, as everyone brings all their knowledge from their different courses together.

I also love the buildings that my classes are in Hamilton Smith Hall is the picture-perfect college building in my mind, and it makes me excited to be in the classroom!

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A Boston Journalism Internship

Jade '24, an English/Journalism and Communication double major, spent the summer of 2023 working at FRONTLINE as a Special Projects & Digital Video Intern in Boston. Find out what she learned from the internship! read more about Jade
