Welcome to our 5 Things I Learned blog series, where UNH students from all colleges and majors share the UNH experience that changed everything for them and what they learned from it. From studying abroad and summer internships to research and leadership in student organizations, follow along to see what you can learn by stepping out of your comfort zone and saying "yes" to that new opportunity on our campus.
Today, Anthony '26, a mechanical engineering major, talks about all he has learned by taking part in aerospace engineering student organizations, conferences and networking through UNH.

From left to right: Matthew Wharton ‘26, Matthew Williams ‘24, Anthony Bilodeau ’26 and Douglas Coulter ‘26 at the table for UNH SEDS during UDay 2023.
1. Community is key.
At UNH, I have found a very strong sense of community. Most notably, I have found this in my college, the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS). Coming in as a freshman, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed, but I found a home in student organizations, especially UNH Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (UNH SEDS). At UNH, there is no aerospace major or program, so UNH SEDS is the community for aerospace enthusiasts.

UNH SEDS members watch the aurora borealis on campus.
2. Find your passions.
To me, passion is a necessary part of life on campus. Student organizations such as SEDS foster passionate students, which drives success. In all the groups that I am a part of, you see that the person who loves what they do the most tends to be the most successful in their endeavors.

UNH SEDS members at the University of Denver for SpaceVision 2024.
3. Build your network.
Through organizations like UNH SEDS, I have had the opportunity to grow my network. SEDS has been an organization for over seven years and there are many alumni of the organization who are in the industry. One unique opportunity that we get through UNH SEDS is attending SpaceVision, an annual conference where you get to meet students from around the world and other chapters. I have used this to gain many friends and contacts that I can reach out to for professional advice.

UNH SEDS members with NASA astronaut Alvin Lee during SpaceVision 2023 in Washington, D.C.
4. Learn to work as a team.
Learning to work together with peers, faculty and project teams is an important skill to develop. When your chosen area, aerospace, does not have any full-time professors working in the field, you must adapt. I found that students and professors are willing and able to learn new ideas and skills that would collectively benefit the group. There are many projects that will happen during your time at UNH, and teamwork is one skill that will benefit you in every walk of life.

Anthony Bilodeau '26 tabling for UNH SEDS during CEPS Fall Open House 2024.
5. You never know where your dreams will lead you.
I joined UNH SEDS in order to work on something that I was passionate about. My dream changed, and that is okay! I came in wanting to design every component myself, and this evolved into my love of leadership, working with the same group of people in a different capacity. This led to me running for and becoming Vice President and now President. Being a leader has taught me how to manage large groups, incorporate feedback and stay on top of my time.
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