Are you wondering what a day in the life of a UNH student looks like? Welcome back to our Day in the Life of a UNH Wildcat blog series, where we put the spotlight on students from different academic majors and class years

Today, Durga '25 walks us through a day in the life as a UNH Sustainability Fellow at Wyman's. From touring Wyman's blueberry farm, to presenting on the company’s scope 3 carbon footprint, follow along on Durga's day!


Meet Durga Raja '25

Hometown: Nashua, NH

Major: Environmental and Resource Economics & Sustainability Dual Major


Durga Raja

Durga Raja



5 a.m. 

My workday usually doesn’t start until 9 a.m., but today I am heading over to Maine to visit one of Wyman’s farms and processing facilities. I am also giving a presentation on my project that I have been working on over the past three months. This summer, I have been working with Wyman’s remotely through UNH’s Sustainability Fellowship program to calculate the company’s scope 3 carbon emissions.

5:30 a.m.

Before I leave my house, I make sure to eat a good breakfast and drink plenty of water to get me started for the day!

10:30 a.m.

I have arrived at Deblois, Maine at one of Wyman’s farms and processing facilities. I am accompanied by the director of the UNH Sustainability Institute, the UNH Sustainability Fellowship coordinator and my fellowship mentor from Wyman’s. We get a tour of the barrens and get to see the process of blueberries going from the farm to a bag of Wyman’s Frozen Wild Blueberries.

Durga accompanied by Fiona Wilson and Alexis Dwyer at Wyman’s Farm

Durga accompanied by Fiona Wilson and Alexis Dwyer at Wyman’s Farm in Deblois, ME.




12 p.m.

We are eating lunch at a park in Milbridge, ME. The park has an amazing community garden and pollinator garden that are so interesting to learn about!

Pollinator Garden at Milbridge Commons Wellness Park.

Pollinator Garden at Milbridge Commons Wellness Park.

1 p.m.

I head over to Cherryfield, ME for my presentation on the company’s scope 3 carbon footprint. Participating in this fellowship has been such a great experience because I was able to get so much hands-on experience, and I loved hearing about how my work is going to be used to make a positive impact.

Durga presenting her Sustainability Fellowship presentation at Wyman’s.

Durga presenting her Sustainability Fellowship presentation at Wyman’s.

2 p.m.

I am now about to head back home. The car ride is about five hours long, so I pull out my laptop and start doing some work for a club that I run with my friend at UNH called EcoReps. EcoReps is a club where we bring people together for campus, beach and local community cleanups, and it is a great way to meet new friends and to make the community a better place. I am currently working with the Exec Board to set up some dates to organize cleanups. After I am done, I take the rest of the car ride to take a nap after such an eventful day.

EcoReps after a successful cleanup at Hampton Beach.

EcoReps after a successful cleanup at Hampton Beach.


7 p.m.

I just got home and I am about to eat dinner. I love being able to eat home-cooked meals, but I can’t wait to get back to campus soon and eat dinner with friends at restaurants like Mei Wei and DHOP (Durham House of Pizza).

8 p.m.

I head out to a trail near my house to walk my dog. This is one of my favorite parts of my day because I get to spend time with my siblings and get some fresh air.

8:30 p.m.

Before I end my day, I make sure to review some peer mentor materials for the upcoming semester’s Carbon Clinic program. The Carbon Clinic is a 2-credit course that allows students to get hands-on experience working with local businesses by calculating the company’s carbon footprint. The clinic is a great way to learn valuable skills and to make connections. 

Durga and her Carbon Clinic team standing onstage

Durga and her Carbon Clinic team, Spring 2023.

10 p.m.

After a long day, I head to my room to wind down. As summer comes to an end, I like to spend time doing things I don’t have as much time to do when the semester starts, such as watching T.V. or reading a book.

10:30 p.m.

I finally settle down to go to sleep for the night. It’s been a long day, but I am so grateful for everything that I have been able to do this summer!

Wyman’s Blueberry Barren.

Wyman’s Blueberry Barren.     


UNH students

Nate's UNH Day in the Life

Today we travel to Minneapolis, Minnesota with Nate Maybach ’25, a dual major in sustainability and women's and gender studies. From training with a collegiate cross-country ski training program, to working a Sustainability Fellowship, follow along on this day in Minnesota!  read more about nate's day

