Honors College Reception

Honors College Reception
unh honors students
join us 

The Honors College Reception is taking place on your Admitted Student Visit Day on the dates listed below. Join us to speak with the engaging faculty and staff who work with students in the Honors College and connect with current students. We can't wait to see you soon!

  Reception Location: 
Huddleston Hall Ballroom
73 Main St, across from Holloway Commons Building

Register for the honors reception during your academic college's Admitted Student Visit Day. Please note that you must register separately for the college's visit day event using the registration provided in your printed or emailed invitation.

College of health and Human Services

peter t. paul College of business and economics

Saturday, March 29 | 2-3 p.m. | Register for the Honors Colleg reception

College of liberal arts

College of Engineering and physical science

Saturday, April 5 | 2-3 p.m. | Register for the Honors College Reception

College of liberal arts

College of life Sciences and agriculture

Saturday, april 12 | 2-3 p.m. | Register for the honors College Reception

* A short presentation will be held at 2:15 pm. Casual conversations with current students will occur before and afterwards. Please attend the reception as your day permits.

Schedule of Events

*Tentative schedule, subject to change

  • 2 p.m. Check-in
  • 2-2:15 p.m. Conversations with Students and Faculty
    Connect with UNH students about their experience in the Honors College and life at UNH.
  • 2:15-2:35 p.m. Honors College Presentation
    Learn more about the benefits and support of being in the Honors College directly from the Honors staff.  
  • 2:35-3 p.m. Q&A and Conversations
    Ask the Honors staff and students your questions or continue your conversations from earlier.

Can’t attend the reception?

We’re sorry we’ll miss you. We would love to meet or speak with you. Please reach out if you have questions about the Honors College at honors.program@unh.edu

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