Find your future.
Choosing a major can be one of the biggest decisions you make.
At UNH, we know you might not have all the answers at the time you apply, and if you enroll without declaring a major, no problem: You’re wise to take a thoughtful approach to one of the greatest investments of your life. Embrace your undeclared status. It will be our pleasure to help you find your future.

Of incoming first-year students are considered undeclared

Undergraduate majors across five colleges and schools

Of students change their major at least once prior to graduating

There’s a class designed specifically for students who need more time before committing to a course of study. It’s called COLA 401, and in it you’ll explore major, career and internship options, and you’ll meet with an academic advisor regularly to build your academic plan.

Get answers to questions about declaring a major (or any other academic-related topic) when you need them. The pros at the University Advising Center are available between noon and 2 p.m. every weekday to help undeclared students in the College of Liberal Arts navigate their journeys.

The dedicated Career and Professional Success center offers zillions of resources and holds a huge career and internship fair every semester. It’s a good idea to attend, even if you’re undeclared, so you can see the variety of opportunities available and discover which jobs sound most appealing.
There are about 140,000 living UNH alumni across the country and across the globe, and some of the most successful arrived at UNH with undeclared majors. So don’t sweat it. Enjoy the process of exploring your options; your passion will present itself before you know it.

Get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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