Emily Kulp

If you're looking to start research as an undergraduate, UNH is the right place for you. Here at UNH, students of all majors land research positions that are often paid, both on campus and beyond. Where does research take place in college? At UNH, our wide array of research opportunities takes student researchers everywhere, from an island off the coast of Maine to a manufacturing factory environment to a hospital simulation lab. Our campus tours show you the main parts of our campus but can't cover everything. Today, we're looking at five amazing UNH research labs you won't necessarily see on a campus tour!

View from the Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island

View from the Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island

1. A Secluded Paradise off the Coast of Maine

The Shoals Marine Laboratory

Students who research and take classes at the Shoals Marine Lab on Appledore Island hop on a boat and travel to the beautiful Isles of Shoals. Once there, they study marine mammals, sustainability communication, fisheries science and much more!

Learn more about the Shoals Marine Lab

UNH COLA students studying

UNH COLA students studying 

2. A Point of Connection to Promote Inclusion

The Global Racial and Social Inequality Laboratory

There are many ways to gain research experience at UNH as a Liberal Arts student. At the Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab, housed in the College of Liberal Arts, faculty and students work on projects that engage racial and social inequality and lead by creating best practices for inclusive syllabi and classrooms.

Learn more about the Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab

Jackson Estuarine Lab

Jackson Estuarine Lab

3. The Shore of One of the Largest Estuaries in Northern New England

The Jackson Estuarine Laboratory

Located just five miles from UNH's Durham campus, the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory sits on the shores of the Great Bay Estuary, one of the largest estuaries in northern New England. Equipped with a lab and a small fleet of research vessels, the Jackson Lab is where students can conduct field-based and experimental research on physical and biological components of coastal ecosystems.

Learn more about the Jackson Estuarine Lab

Health Sciences Simulation Center at UNH

Health Sciences Simulation Center at UNH

4. Preparation for Top-Tier Patient Care

The Health Sciences Simulation Center

At the Health Sciences Simulation Center, students can get real experience in simulation labs that mimic hospitals, clinics and other health-care settings. In this collaborative environment, health sciences students gain the skills they will use to change and save lives.

Learn more about the Health Sciences Simulation Center

UNH students working in the Olson Center

UNH students working in the Olson Center 

5. Manufacturing Experience in a Real Factory Environment

The John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center

At the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center, all UNH students can get real experience in a factory environment. This research can lead them to present at major conferences and prepare for graduate education. A cross-curricular approach to engineering and manufacturing concepts provides hands-on, interdisciplinary learning opportunities in a factory environment and the ability to collaborate with industry.

Learn more about the John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center

Check out even more of UNH's unique research facilities!

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Research Opportunities for Undergrads at UNH

Do you want to attend a school where you can get involved in research projects right away as an undergraduate? Do you want to take on projects that mean you'll journey on a boat on the Atlantic Oceanperform dance before a crowd or identify artifacts in Greece?

 read more about research
